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                betterit Technology Shenzhen Co.,Ltd





                Position: Home > job >SAP Consultant(FI/PS/PM/HR/MM)

                Position:SAP Consultant(FI/PS/PM/HR/MM)

                • Number : 0
                • Workplace : Shenzhen
                • Deal :
                • Release Date : 2016-03-01
                • Validity : No limit


                Position Description: You have the responsibility to offer a series of consulting services to help our clients improve their business performance at functional area from senior management level perspective.The role is to lead or support medium to large engagement teams by providing hands-on technical expertise in the development, configuration and implementation of SAP module solutions. While often technical in scope, consultants also work closely with clients and must demonstrate individual technical and professional knowledge to ensure that the work products and deliverables are of the highest caliber to ensure client satisfaction. Role and Responsibilities: 1. Contribute to the assessment, design, development and implementation of SAP related business and technical solutions 2. Responsible for the system development and testing 3. Interact with clients to ensure our products and services to exceed their expectations 4. Provide patient and professional consulting, training and support. 5. Make efforts to increase efficiencies, mitigate risks, resolve issues, and optimize cost savings for clients Requirements: 1. 3- 8 years or above SAP consulting experience. 2. Prior skills and experience in one or more full-lifecycle SAP implementations. 3. Proven competency in one or more of the following SAP modules: FICO, QM, MM, PP, SRM, PM,PS etc. 4. knowledge of project management and methodology 5. Excellent oral and written communication skills. 6. Able to plan work effort and manage to the project schedule and priorities 7. Proven ability to transfer knowledge and stay aware of current trends and technical advancements. 8. Able to travel extensively 9. Bachelor degree with an advanced degree strongly preferred.